30 Great Interview Questions (13-15)

30 Great Interview Questions (13-15)

Are you interviewing? Here are the next 3 questions in our series of 30 great interview questions to help you prepare.

Are you interviewing? Here are the next 3 questions in our series of 30 great interview questions to help you prepare.

1. What are the three most important characteristics of this function? How would you stack rank yourself from strongest to least developed among these traits?

CleverHire: Looks at your skillset and how it maps to the job; you can look at the role description and prep accordingly.

2. Tell me about your ideal next role. What characteristics does it have from a responsibility, team, and company culture perspective? What characteristics does it not have?

CleverHire: This can help measure cultural fit; it can also assess if one is a match for the specific role.

3. What impact on the business have you made in the year since you’ve joined?

CleverHire: This can test vision; it can also test your prep for the role, how you think about success and goal setting.

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